Motivation Monday;
The number one rule for working out is never miss a Monday. It is an opportunity to kick start your week and get one step closer to your goals. Get in the gym and get after this shoulder complex. Set the tone for your week and be amazed at how Tuesday through Sunday will fall in line.
Remember, CrossFit Portsmouth will be taking on CrossFit Free November 5th. Our members vs. their members. We need all hands on deck. Sign-up sheet will be upfront. If you have a team, or need a team. Put your name on the list and let’s take home the trophy.
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 strict press
10 banded dislocates
Banded shoulder – 4 positions
Thoracic spine – wall ball stretch and bretzel
Weightlifting complex – 1 push press + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk
15 minutes to build to a heavy weight in the complex
Scale the complex based on your experience and comfort level with these movements. Since the S2OH progression gets very dynamic and demands a lot from both a form and mobility stand point, do not be afraid to replace a movment with a less complex one. Limiting the work will allow you to focus more, see a coach for ideas.
Ex. 2 push press + 1 push jerk or even just a 3RM push press
MAP training
6 min AMRAP
15 wall balls (20/14#)
10 box jumps
Rest 3:00
6 min AMRAP
5 clean and jerks (135/95#)(115/75#)
10 weighted sit-ups
25 DU’s
What exactly is MAP training? Only the coolest tool we have in the CrossFit toolbox.
MAP Training = the key to getting fit
MAP stands for Maximum Aerobic Power.
Why is it so beneficial? 3 reasons
1. Teaches you how to pace
2. Trains the aerobic system mush better because of an increase awareness of pace
3. Exposes you to a variety of skills and movements in a “less” intense environment
Cool Down
2 movements to spend 5 minutes with before you go.
Lax ball the bottom of your foot
Foam roll your t-spine and hamstrings