WOD – Tuesday 10/18

As we grow and change as a community, so does our programming and coaching. You will notice that each day will have a much more detail oriented direction and your coaches will be asking a lot from you. You will start to see some different movements incorporated into our strength sessions and our workouts will compliment the goal of the day much better. If the strength is a low volume/high intensity session, the WOD will most likely be a higher volume, aerobic piece. Lastly, we are going to try to have some group cool down sessions before you go. As the temperature drops, it is crucial to spend some time recovering before you leave. Monday, Wednesday and Friday there will be specific recovery tools included in your day, while Tuesdays and Thursdays will allow time for some accessory work. We at CrossFit Portsmouth believe that this direction is going to best help all of you achieve your fitness goals. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 2 rounds
10t single leg KB deadlifts
10 Russian KBS
5 burpees
:20 HS hold

Posterior chain prep – hamstring stretch against rig, bretzel and scorpions
Childs pose, down dog and up dog

A1. Deadlift – 3×4 AHAP
A2. HSPU’s – 2×6-12 + 1 ME set
*2 reps short of failure
Building on our progression. This is the first week of 4’s, so add weight and keep chugging toward that PR.

14 min AMRAP
10 front squats (135/95#)(115/75#)
15 pull-ups
300m run
Simple workout here. 300m is going to be a 400m run, but in the front door. So to the road, but in the front door.
Pull-ups can be scaled as needed. Even jumping pull-ups can be useful here, just to switch it up.

Accessory Work
100 banded leg curls
100 banded push downs

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