1 game of “rowling”, 5 frames
Your score, plus your partners score equals the number of reps you BOTH must complete
*each round, they carry over
Round 1 – squats
Round 2 – sit-ups
Round 3 – push-ups
Round 4 – pull-ups
Round 5 – burpees
Group joint mobility
And prep for the WOD
“CFP’s 12 days of Christmas”
1 clean and jerk (115/75#)
2 ring dips
3 box jumps (24/20″)
4 pull-ups
5 burpees
6 front squats
7 KBS (53/35#)
8 push-ups
9 wall balls (20/14#)
10 deadlifts
11 T2B
12 thrusters
*done like the song, sing a little bit and think about it…
Cool Down
Have an amazing Christmas Eve with friends and family!