WOD – Saturday 1/28

Don’t forget, quick talk today by Jeff R.

Do you want to increase your performance and decrease injuries? Join us this Saturday, January 28th at 10am downstairs at CFP. Dr. Jeffrey Rogers from Breakfast Hill Chiropractic will present some extremely useful information for keeping our bodies healthy.

All are welcome!

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 3 rounds
10 wall balls
5 pull-ups
10 sit-ups

Shoulder prep for the pushing and pulling
Start with foam roller on T-spine
Keg drill or med ball shoulder prep

A1. Strict press – 6×3; adding weight each time.
A2. Weighted pull-ups – 5×3; AHAP
*climbing higher on both than 1/5

“The Chorus”
4 rounds
40 DU’s
30 sit-ups
20 cals on the rower
10 HSPU’s
5 deadlifts (225/155#)(205/145#)

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