This Friday is the last day to sign up for the Intramural Open. Get you name on the list, so we can draft you onto a team. It’s already shaping up to be bigger and better than last year. The young coaches are so cute, thinking they have a shot at the crown. The journey to the top goes through Team Justin and the battle begins February 23rd with Open workout #1.
17.2: March 2nd
17.3: March 9th
17.4: March 16th
17.5: March 23rd
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 KBS
10 goblet squats w/:05 hold in the hole
10 push-ups
Front squat prep;
KB smash on calves
Ankle mobility, Pigeon and couch stretch
Front rack prep w/bar on rack
A. Front squat – build up to a heavy single. Use your plan from maxing out your back squat. 2×5, 2×3, then all singles.
B1. Hollow hold – max holds w/as much rest as needed between.
*Accumulate 3:00 in sets of :15 to :30
B2. Tricep push-downs – 4×10
Two separate sections. Spend the time needed on each. Plenty of time.
8 min AMRAP
Buy in – 500m row
6 power cleans (115/75#)(95/65#)
6 OtB burpees
This should be a sprint. Power cleans are light and burpees should be fast. Not to mention that 500m row. Woof.
Cool Down
Spend 3 minutes on a foam roller
Spiderman stretch for 2 minutes