And here we go. Teams are set and captains are prepping their ships. The trash talking has already started and it has been some of the best I have seen. Very excited about another year. Don’t forget Friday Night Lights starts at 4:15 and ends around 6:15 depending. Come in early, sign up for a heat, get warmed up and ready to go. You know the entire pink team is going to be there, are you?!
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 2 rounds
10 wall balls
10 ring rows
10 lunges
:20 hollow hold
Banded shoulder mobility
A1. Push press – 5×5; all working sets, but building
A2. Weighted pull-ups – 5×5; AHAP, across
Constantly repeated strength. Make sure you are checking Wodify and making a plan to be better than the last time. You won’t improve unless you make it a priority in BOTH movements. Prep a goal and go get it.
“Spam Folder”
DB hang squat clean (50/35#)
I think we might see this one in the Open. So please take the time to get as comfortable with them as possible, listen to your coaches, build up in weight, focus on tension and positions. 50/35 is a lot of weight to move independently, so scale these accordingly.