WOD – Tuesday 2/21

And here we go. Teams are set and captains are prepping their ships. The trash talking has already started and it has been some of the best I have seen. Very excited about another year. Don’t forget Friday Night Lights starts at 4:15 and ends around 6:15 depending. Come in early, sign up for a heat, get warmed up and ready to go. You know the entire pink team is going to be there, are you?!

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 2 rounds, one with PVC/one with BB
10 deadlifts
10 hang cleans
10 front squat
10 push press/push jerks

Group mobility in between rounds

8 min EMOM
1 power clean and push jerk. Start around 70%, building off last week.
Last week was just a power clean, so weights might go down but the focus today is on the reset into the push jerk. Really prioritize perfect footwork.

“Friend Request”
18 min AMRAP
500m row
40 air squats
30 push-ups
20 pull-ups
Bodyweight WOD. Fun stuff. You know the deal. Raise the hands in the push-ups, scale the pull-ups to the hardest progression. Piked ring rows or bar rows are my favorite. Setting up the barbells in a rack and banding them down really creates a setting for success.

Cool Down
2 minutes in a foam roller or with a lax ball

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