WOD – Thursday 2/23

And here we go. Teams are set and captains are prepping their ships. The trash talking has already started and it has been some of the best I have seen. Very excited about another year. Don’t forget Friday Night Lights starts at 4:15 and ends around 6:15 depending. Come in early, sign up for a heat, get warmed up and ready to go. You know the entire pink team is going to be there, are you?!

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Complete 30 burpee touches

Group mobiliy based on long WOD.

Partner challenge!
10 min max effort farmers walk – only one partner working at a time, accumulate as many laps as possible
Here we go, switch whenever you want, pace it however you see fit. Score is total laps earned.
Rx – 70/53#

“To the Rhythm”
With your farmer’s carry buddy…
30 min AMRAP
80/60 cals AB
200 DU’s
40 power cleans (155/105#)(135/95#)
2000m row
Long, slow, distance. Good pace here.

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