WOD – Sunday 3/26

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 sit-ups
5 push-ups
10 squats
5 pull-ups

Set up a bar and progress through the following three stretches;
1. Standing child’s pose
2. Tricep stretch
3. Sink stretch

A1. DB SA strict press – 4x6e; AHAP
A2. Banded high pulls – 3×15
Again, Sundays are for full body, multi-muscular, multi-jointed movements used to build some muscle mass and recover the body. On the strict press, sit on the ground with your legs slightly bent and heels slightly on the ground. It forces a lot more core engagement which will help in more dynamic movements like the HSPU.

“All your’s”
12 min AMRAP
30 DU’s
15 power cleans (115/75#)(95/65#)
10 ring dips
Those who cannot complete Rx ring dips should know your scaling options, but also don’t be afraid to revert to simple push-ups as an option. You need to create a strong foundation first before we build the beautiful mansion. In my opinion, those who cannot Rx 10 push-ups shouldn’t be working on dip strength just yet anyways.

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