What a day yesterday. Some amazing efforts and incredible determination by all. 100+ members of the Port showed up and completed a version of the hero WOD Murph. You all should be proud, truly what CrossFit had in mind when creating these WOD’s to memorialize such exceptional people.
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
15 air squats
10t SL KB deadlifts
5 inchworms (no push-up)
Full CFP squat mobility; take the time and really force that ROM
Back Squat – Week 8 Day 1
1×5@65%, 1×5@70%, 1×5@75%, and 1×5@80%
A much lighter week this week. Giving our legs a slight deload in the back squat. Should provide us with an opportunity to recharge the legs for the last push in this cycle. If you did Murph yesterday, then there is no better remedy for those sore legs. Time to get back on the horse.
“Blue Jeans”
10 min AMRAP
10 wall balls
10 T2B
20 DU’s
*Wall Ball University (WBU) before the WOD just to reinvest in the performance cues of the movement.
Cool Down
Foam roll the legs for 5 minutes before you go