Last week of L-sits. Even though we are a little behind, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still give it our best shot. They will pay off.
The Port OH mobility warm-up
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, w/a barbell 2 rounds
6 bent-over rows
6 push press
6 barbell bicep curls
20 banded pull-aparts
Foam roll the lats – 1:00 each side
10 chicken wings each side
Then 2:00 banded shoulder mobility
Push press – 3×12; AHAP
*think 75% of your 1RM
This is going to be the hardest of all the sets and reps. The highest rep scheme anyways. All 3 sets should be done AHAP. If you can hit 75% you should be pumped. Look back to last week to find out numbers and goals.
“Do not disturb”
16 min AMRAP
20 push-ups
10 front squats (115/75#)(95/65#)
10 push press
20 sit-ups
Nothing to this one. The hardest part will be the push-ups. Try to go from front squats to push press. The barbell should keep moving and rests should be short. Find your breath in the sit-ups.
Accessory Work
10 min EMOM
:30 of DU’s
*here’s your chance to get some practice in