WOD – Tuesday 7/25

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 3 rounds
10 KBS
10 walking lunges
10 hanging knee tucks/K2E/T2B

Group stretch and some preWOD warm-ups

“Advanced Robotics”
1000m row
30 KBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
30 walking lunges
30 sit-ups
3 rope climbs
Rest 3:00
750m row
20 KBS
20 walking lunges
20 sit-ups
2 rope climbs
Rest 3:00
500m row
10 KBS
10 walking lunges
10 sit-ups
1 rope climb
30:00 time cap

Core Cool Down
3 rounds
25 sit-ups (no Abmat)
25 hip extensions (bridge position)
25 flutter kicks

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