WOD – Wednesday 8/30

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
8 hang cleans
8 front squats
8 strict press/push press/push jerks

Banded shoulder mobility

S2OH complex 3.2 – 1 strict press + 2 push press + 3 push jerks
These are one of those days where weights should be way down. Simply supporting the bar in the front rack position throughout this entire lift will be taxing. Never mind the fact it has to go overhead 6 times. Demand perfect movements out of yourselves. Solid differences between each of the three lifts. Perfect footwork.

20 min EMOM
Minute 1 – 2 rope climbs
Minute 2 – 10 C2B
Minute 3 – 20 weighted sit-ups
Minute 4 – 20 wall balls
Minute 5 – 12/10 cals AB
Long EMOM. Like most EMOM’s, make sure you are getting :20 to :15 off each round. If you aren’t, think about scaling the movement to a more approachable progression. 3 T2B can be subbed per rope climb if you cannot complete an Rx rope climb.

Accessory Work
Banded high pulls – accumulate 100
Banded tricep push downs – accumulate 100

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