WOD – Tuesday 9/26

Don’t forget that LumberJack is this weekend. We could really use your help with either checking people in, judging or assisting at the finish line. If you around that day and want to help, please register using the link on Wodify.

Upper body dynamic warm-up/mobility.
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, foam roll the lats
3 rounds w/a barbell
6 bent-over rows
6 push press
6 BB curls
Then, take your time through each of these below…
25 banded pull-aparts
Right into a banded shoulder mobility

Gymnastic EMOM – 10 minutes total
Evens – 10 kips/levers
Odds – 5 to 10 strict pull-ups
So on the even minutes, we are going to focus on staying tight and completing really good, efficient kips. Then on the odd minutes, we will do strict pull-up work.

“Conflict of Interest”
18 min running clock, E3:00 complete…
15/12 cals on the rower
10 power cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
5 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
Rest the remainder of time
Every three minutes the work above is required to be completed. In order to make it through this one, a rest needs to be earned. Meaning if you are not getting any rest you need to scale back the numbers. Especially in the row. Hopefully, most will get around :30 rest.

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