WOD – Friday 10/6

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds on each side
10 KB deadlifts
10 SA KB push press
10 Sa KB swings

Banded shoulder mobility

Push press wave – 3.2.1., x3
It has been a long time since we’ve seen the ol’ push press. We went through that heavy strength cycle and I am pretty sure we were all ok never seeing a push press again. Since it has been awhile, we need to make sure we dial in the important performance cues. Take the time to warm up and make sure we are moving well before we start adding weight.

“Wing Stop”
16 min AMRAP
15/12 cals AB
10t DB snatches (50/35#)(35/20#)
5/3 muscle-ups
Sub in double strict pull-ups for a scaled option.
Fun one. High level gymnastics skill day. That part of the WOD is meant to slow a lot of people down, which is why there are strict pull-ups in the workout. Make sure you pick a suitable scaling option. Whether its piked rows in a lowered bar, parallel ring rows, or even super strict banded pull-ups, no kipping or wiggling allowed.

Accessory Work
Banded leg curls – accumulate 80t
Banded pull-aparts – accumulate 80t

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