Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Banded hamstring mobility, thoracic spine
3 rounds
25 single/double under’s
15 box jump overs
10 deadlifts increasing in weights
10 cals on the rower
Team Series WOD #4 – congo line style
Rx partner
100 DU’s
50 box jump overs (24/20”)
25 deadlifts (225/155#)
50 cals on rower
Scaled partner
100 singles
50 box jump overs (20/16”)
25 deadlifts (155/105#)
50 cals on rower
*scaled partner can start as soon as Rx partner finishes the deadlifts.
Rx partner will have to make his/her way through the chipper while the scaled partner waits. The scaled partner can start as soon as the Rx partner finishes the deadlifts. Before the Rx partner gets on the rower, he/she must change out the box and weights for the scaled athlete to make their way through.