WOD – Monday 10/30

I couldn’t be more proud of every Port athlete that competed down in Nashua on Saturday. We sent 3 teams of 6. All 18 represented the Port to the highest degree. Worked hard through all 4 WOD’s. Cheered on teams from other gyms and even helped clean up and set up for the different workouts. True sportsmanship. I couldn’t be more proud of these 5 who came out on top, beating some really good teams.

2 days left to get those planks done. We need all the help we can get on this one.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 wall balls
10 Russian KBS

Hamstring and quad prep for the strength

A1. Sumo deadlift – 4×8; AHAP across
A2. Goblet lunges – 4x8e; heavy
Sumo deadlift. Feet are SUPER wide, like way outside the shoulders. Grip is narrow, hands on the border of the knurling. All sets should be heavy, but you don’t have to climb.
The goblet lunges should be with 1 heavy KB. 8 on one side, 8 on the other.

CFP benchmark #1
12 min AMRAP
50 calorie row
40 wall balls (20/14#)
30 T2B
20 cleans (135/95#)
10 muscle ups
Over the course f my programming life at The Port, I have created 12 benchmark WOD’s that all test something very different. We will be repeating WOD’s more and more to help get people to use WODify, while also giving you another way to push yourselves in more than the strength.

This workout is very open like. You obviously can scale it but people should really try to push through as close to Rx as possible. It will make it better to evaluate progress when we retest this WOD. If you are unable to complete an Rx muscle up, substitute 3 pull-ups and 3 dips per muscle up.

Accessory Work
Banded Ab pull-downs – accumulate 100
Banded woodchops – accumulate 100t

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