Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
20t walking lunges
10 push-ups (w/2 shoulder taps)
10 hanging leg raises
Rotational drills to prep for the strength
A1. Wide grip pull-up clusters – 2.2.2, x4
*rest :10 between sets, rest 2:00 between clusters. Add weight if possible.
A2. Close grip bench press – 4×5; AHAP across
Classic push/pull.
“What I miss?”
Every 3 minutes; 15 minutes total
15 KB thrusters (53/35#)(35/26#)
250/200m row
You must earn a :30 rest per mini AMRAP. It is definitely a requirement in order to make it through the workout. So if you are not getting at least that, you need to scale the weight, the reps or the meters.