WOD – Friday 12/15

Make sure you know the gym schedule over Christmas.
Saturday, December 23rd – Normal hours (7/8/9am)
Sunday, December 24th – Normal hours (8+9am)
Monday, December 25th – CLOSED; Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 26th – 9am/noon/4:15pm
*really no excuse not to keep up your routine during the holidays.

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a class
CFP snatch warm-up with focus on squat positions.

To truly be able to squat snatch, mobility is going to be your limiting factor. Even the strongest athletes struggle with this movement because how many pieces of the body must be able to achieve full ROM. Here we can self-diagnose which aspect needs to be worked on in order to help get closer to achieving a true squat snatch.
1. Ankles – can you perform a squat with your feet together? No, let’s stretch those ankles.
2. Hips and quads – can you squat with full ROM and have your hips between your ankles? No, let’s stretch those hips.
3. Shoulders and thoracic spine – can you stand up and bring your arms behind your ears without moving your ribcage? No, let’s stretch the shoulders and spine.

Squat snatch – cluster format 1.1 (:10/2:00)
*rest 10 seconds between reps, rest a full 2 minutes between clusters. Build to a pretty heavy weight. Think 90%

14 min AMRAP
60 DU’s
400m row
20 power snatches (75/55#)(65/45#)
Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Goal here is 2+ rounds. So make sure that barbell is light and moving in chunks of 5 to 10 TnG reps. Some will go unbroken. Please bring along the skills you worked on in the strength. Obviously they are not squat snatches, however, footwork and OH position both should transfer well if you focus on consistency.

Accessory Work
Banded ab pull-downs – accumulate 100
Russian twists – accumulate 100t

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