Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 push-ups
10 KB swings
10e SA OH lunges
10 hanging leg raises
Quick mobility session as a class
Take 10 minutes to work up past the weight you plan on using in the workout in both the OHS and power clean
4 min AMRAP
10 push-ups
20 OH lunges (95/65#)(75/55#)
10 T2B
20 power cleans
Rest 3 min, x4
Long WOD. Overhead lunges will really challenge overall strength and coordination. So even the lightest barbell overhead will work. Make sure you fully locked-out, stay active and press the bar slightly behind the ears. It will help with stabilization and prevent fatigue of the smaller muscles. Allowing you to keep it OH for longer. You get a really long rest between rounds, so push your pace here. Make sure to pick up where you leave off each time. Your score will be total reps completed at the end of the entire WOD.
Accessory Work
3 rounds, not for time
15 banded tricep push-downs
15 GHD sit-ups
15 GHD back extensions