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Then, banded shoulder mobility as a group.
Grab a bar and put in on a rack somewhere
Strict press – 5×5
Push press – 4×4
Push jerk – 3×3
Complete a set of the strict press, take a break, complete another set of the strict press, rest. Move through the movements until you have made it through the push jerks. Feel free to add weight as you go, just make sure you are warming up the shoulders appropriately.
Push jerk – cluster format; 2.2 (:10/2:00)
Olympic lifting on a Sunday?! These have been looking much better. Try to apply the footwork lessons from the week, such as the squat clean to this lift. Our OH positions have been much better, thank you. Let’s focus on the lockout. Please try to focus on the idea that the arms need to be locked before you beat the bar at the bottom. You shouldn’t be in your finish position and have to lock out the arms. Totally defeats the purpose.
“Strong Drive”
With a partner, complete;
3 rounds
25 strict pull-ups
75 air squats
25 HSPU’s
scale pull-ups to kipping pull-ups or any progression that is difficult for you. Scale the HSPU’s as push-ups or a progression that is difficult for you.
Partner WOD, and a doozy. Scale as needed.