WOD – Thursday 1/11

Sign into Wodify and grab a jump rope;
3 rounds
100 singles or 50 Du’s
25′ monster walk with band; left
25′ monster walk with band; right
12 banded good mornings

Hamstrings and front rack mobility

Power clean – find a 5RM; TnG
Must be TnG; cardio weightlifting. Really focus on where to pause, where to regrip the bar, and more importantly, where to breath.

“Come on with it”
With a partner
2 rounds
50 deadlifts (225/155#)(185/125#)
50 T2B
50 cal row
50 HSPU’s
A partner Port version of an Open WOD. 2 rounds, break up reps however you want. One person working at a time and all reps of one movement must be finished before the next is started. Crush.

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