Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds for quality
6 burpees
8 G2OH with a plate
10 ring rows
Review the burpee movement and create efficient movement for the WOD.
Need 1 plate and 1 abmat to complete the movement. With the plate in your hand, complete a burpee by putting the plate onto the abmat, then while standing up in the burpee, bring the plate OH. The plate G2OH should be similar to a clean and jerk. Bring the plate into the hips and then overhead using hip extension.
2 min AMRAP
ME calories on AB
Rest 2:00
Then, 15 min AMRAP
10 burpees to a 45# plate, then G2OH with that plate (45/25#)(25/15#)
12 ring rows
14/12 cals on rower
Ring rows should be as hard as possible. In order for it to be Rx, the rings should be directly under the rig, no angle on the straps.