WOD – Saturday 1/20

Today we have teams competing in Danvers, MA at the “Not your Average Joe’s’ competition. If you have a little extra time today, come on down and cheer ’em on.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a class
CFP snatch warm-up with emphasis on power position,
Footwork, footwork, footwork.

Power snatch – build to a heavy single; however, before every attempt over 70%, you must perform 40 DU’s.
A coach will explain. Come ready to have a little fun.

In a situation like this, footwork is going to play a huge role. Instead of letting the feet get too wide, move them to the squat position, push your hips back and head through. Catch in an athletic position and as you increase weight, simply land under the bar a little bit more each time. Do not let your feet move wider and wider as the weight increases. If you focus on good form during your warm-ups, you will do much better in the actual strength portion.

14 min AMRAP
500m row
15 power snatches (95/65#)(75/55#)
Take what you worked on in the strength and apply it to the workout. This is a classic CrossFit couplet. Settle in and grind it out.

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