WOD – Saturday 1/27

The Port Open: Battle of the Sexes is coming. Not sure what The Open is? Coaches will be giving you specifics in class this week. Note: you don’t have to be an RX athlete to join the battle. All members are welcome to participate. It’s a TON of FUN!


Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
20t walking lunges
10 kip swings, no pull-up
5 inchworms

Coaches choice; strength based

A1. Bulgarian split squats – 4x8e side; AHAP
A2. Half TGU – 4x3e; AHAP
*no standing, just to knee and back down
A3. Banded pull throughs – 4×10
We have done this exact strength before. Sunday, March 5th.
Know the movements and how to keep these safe and effective.
Bulgarian split squats
Banded pull through

“the minutiae of everyday life”
25 min AMRAP
Teams of 3
40 strict pull-ups
200m run each, relay style
100 air squats
Only one person working at a time and split the reps up however you would like. Strict pull-ups can be scaled to kipping pull-ups or any progression you normally use. Make them very difficult.

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