WOD – Wednesday 3/7

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
5 inchworms w/push-up
20t walking lunges

Quick mobility blast; hamstrings and front rack

Hang power clean – 3 EMOM for a total of 6 minutes; build or stay across
We have been working on this position for weeks now. Another step towards comfortably pulling from arguably the most important position in weightlifting. Remember, barbell should be right above the knees with the weight equally balanced across the entire foot. Your back should be flat, but not overextended and your shoulders should be in front of the bar.

“Vacummed Sealed”
20 min AMRAP
20 hang power cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
40t walking lunges
600m row
Rest 2:00 between rounds
Long WOD of the week. Make sure weight on the bar allows for that. Breaking up the hang cleans will actually help you slow the pace and survive the WOD with a little more success. This is an AMRAP with rest, so make sure you take the entire 2 minutes to recover.

Accessory Work
Banded leg extensions – accumulate 100t
Banded leg curls – accumulate 100t

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