WOD – Wednesday 6/13

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 KB push press (5 per side)
10 hollow rocks
10 push-ups

A1. Seated BB strict press – 4×8; AHAP
A2. Banded face pulls – 4×12
A1 is seated on a bench in front of a rack.
A2 is executed by setting a band up on the rig above your head, taking a few steps back and pulling the band to your chin while keeping their elbows high.

“Hot Shot”
18 min AMRAP
16/14 cals row
14 SA DB hang power cleans (50/35#)(40/25#)
12 box step ups w/DB (24/20″)
10 S2OH
Odd WOD of the week. Should be one where you might actually have to slow down and think about the movements. The box step ups will be done with the DB in one hand, suitcase carry, stepping up onto the box, 12 times alternating legs. Then 10 S2OH, 5 on one side and 5 on the other. Since these movements are a little bit different, try working through a smaller round with a couple of different weights.

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