WOD – Wednesday 7/18

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 push-ups
20 banded pull-aparts

Light banded mobility; rotational drills

A1. Bench press –
A2. Bent over row (BB) – 6×4; AHAP
2 heavy sets of 5. 2 heavy sets of 3, and then 2 heavy singles. Between each set of bench press, complete 4 heavy bent over rows with a barbell.

20 min AMRAP
200m farmers carry (53/35#)(44/26#)
20 box jump overs
20 DB snatches (50/35#)(40/25#)
KB’s can be used for the farmers carry. Box jump overs means everyone jumps, no burpee.

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