WOD – Thursday 10/11

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds with a BB
10 bent over rows
10 strict press
10 front rack reverse lunges

OHS mobility
Then coach led OHS warm-up

OHS squat – find a heavy triple for the day
Format: must lift every 2:00 (16:00 total)
After getting 5 minutes to warm-up. Everyone will lift on a running clock. Because you will be required to complete 8 total lifts, you should probably have a really good plan going into this strength. If the OHS is a struggle, you have a couple of options. Substitute the front squat or sty light and add a few reps to your rep scheme.

“Slap Chop”
With a partner, complete 4 rounds each
10 push press (115/75#)(95/65#)
10t front rack lunges
10 box jump overs (24/20″)
200m run
*must complete a full round before switching
With this partner workout, you will be getting more rest than normal, so make your rounds hard and really push the pace. It is over when you have completed 4 rounds each (8 rounds total).

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