WOD – Tuesday 10/30

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 or 3 rounds
10 down dog push-ups
5 kip swings + 5 strict pull-ups
10 ring rows
10 scorpions

Light banded mobility and front rack prep

A1. Push press – 5×5; AHAP across
A2. Strict pull-ups – 5 sets of 2 to 6 strict; add weight if needed
You guys got this. Remember, the more you put into a strength session like this, the more you are going to get out of it.

“Pumpkin to talk about”
16 min AMRAP
25/20 cal AB
75 DU’s
25 wall balls (20/14#)
Spicy little AMRAP. This one is really going to challenge your ability to keep your breathing and heart rate under control. One of my favorite sayings when I think about a workout like this is breath slow but move fast. Think about using the transition pieces as the opportunity to catch your breath. Once you get in the movement, try to stay on it until you complete all the reps. Rest before and/or after, not during.

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