WOD – Friday 11/30

Last day of the no complaint November. I hope each of you learned a little something from this challenge and maybe have made some little changes that will translate into a more positive way of approaching things. Everyone keep those white bracelets, let them be a constant reminder.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 SL RDL’s
10 banded pull-throughs
10 SA KB strict press
10 banded face pulls

Group mobility session based on strength

A1. Seated BB strict press – 5×5
A2. Bent over rows w/BB – 5×8
Both A1 and A2 are done AHAP
A1 is done seated on a bench in front of a rack.

After the strength, take the time to really warm up the deadlift for the WOD.
Warm up the deadlift

4 rounds
5 deadlifts
10 box jumps (24/20”)
500m row
*deadlift should be around 75 to 80%
The weight on the bar should be very heavy, making even a set of 5 incredibly challenging. Think about your 5RM being around 85% if your 1RM. Now think about completing 4 sets of 5 slightly below that weight. Be smart and take the time to pick your weight here. It is going to make a huge difference in overall stimulus.

Accessory Work
Banded ab pull-downs – accumulate 100
Banded tricep push-downs – accumulate 100

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