WOD – Wednesday 12/12

3 rounds of increasing intensity
100m row
5 burpees
5e step ups
5 kip swings
5 strict pull-ups or ring rows

Quick group stretch

“Bail Money”
5 min AMRAP
300m/250m row
Then, with time remaining AMRAP of
10 burpee box jump overs
10 pull-ups
Rest 1:00, x4
This is a workout that is set up to ruin you in the first AMRAP. Looking at the work to rest ratio, it is important to pace this one accordingly. Those of us who did the workout where we worked for 4 minutes and rested for 4 minutes know that each rest period seemed like less and less time, HR wouldn’t make it back to the BPM is was in the rest previous. This one only has a minute of rest, meaning sprinting at any point won’t bode well. Be smart and settle into a pace.

Accessory Work
Banded lat pull-downs – accumulate 100
Banded tricep push-downs – accumulate 100

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