WOD – Tuesday 2/12

Did you know after teams have been set and captains have been decided, the two teams then draft the coaches? This Saturday we will hold a live draft in which the AM and PM go pick for pick to see which team the coaches will compete for. I can’t wait to find out our final teams.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds of
5 strict pull-ups + 5 kip swings
10 push-ups + :20 HS hold
15 air squats

Group joint mobility

20 min AMRAP
2 muscle-ups
4 HSPU’s
8 KBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
January 6, 1993, Josh Hardy lost his battle to brain cancer. 15 years later, Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed February 4th, 2008 during combat operations in Iraq.

Today we celebrate the lives of these two by completing the hero WOD, “Nate”.

Hero WOD, so even when scaling it’s going to be nasty. Its a push, a pull and a hinge. So when people go to scale they simply find a really hard push, ad really hard pull and then swing a KB. But reps go up slightly for the scaled versions.
4 C2B/pull-ups/ring rows
8 push-ups/HSPU’s on a box/ring dips

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