Looking back at your open performance, what are things that went well and what are some things you might need to work on. Reflecting on the last 5 weeks will really help you fill some gaps by working on your weaknesses. Your coaches are here to help.
Was it your engine that failed you? If so, the Port has a 6-week engine building program that you can add into your training. It’s 2 additional sessions a week, on the rower and/or assault bike and it’s guaranteed to help your overall endurance.
Was it a certain skill? Find a coach and schedule your skill session. You know they are built into your current membership. Or, if you want help developing a skill, make time to work with a coach and build a plan.
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
20t walking lunges
15 hanging knee raises
10 ring rows
5 bird dog push-ups
Single leg mobility for strength
Weighted step-ups – 4x8e
No rush here. Take the time to find a good set-up that works for you. Grab a box that puts you at parallel and two heavy KB/DB that challenge each rep. Do not rush through these and hold yourself accountable to driving through full ROM.
“Gravy Train”
3 rounds
1000/800m row
4 rounds strict “Cindy”
Pretty straightforward here. Longer row and then 4 rounds of STRICT Cindy; 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats. Today is a good opportunity to scale the reps as opposed to scaling the movement. If you can complete 2 or 3 strict pull-ups a round, let’s try to hold that for as long as we can. Doing 12 rounds of a modified Cindy (3 pull-ups, 6 push-ups, 9 air squats) would be incredible and way more beneficial than simply changing the movements and cruising through no problem.