WOD – Sunday 5/5

10 minutes of Rowling
Round 1 – sit-ups
Round 2 – squats
Round 3 – push-ups
Round 4 – ring rows
Round 5 – burpees

Shoulder mobility based on strength

A1. Ring rows – 4×10
A2. Ring dips – 4×10
Gymnastics strength piece here. Make A1 and A2 as difficult as you can because getting better at these two movements will only help you in higher skill gymnastics.

“What do you Need”
18 min AMRAP
25 sit-ups
100’ walking lunge
200m famers carry (53/35#)(44/26#)
There is not much technique or pacing here. This is one where you need to just put your head down and grind it out. Really try to break off huge chunks of the farmer’s carry and catch your breath in the sit-ups.

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