Burn – Monday 8/12

600m row
30 air squats done in sets of 10
30 glute bridges done in sets of 10
First set – close stance
Second set – normal stance
Last set – wide stance

Spiderman with rotation
90/90 hip rotational stretch
Boot strap stretches

Burn Strength
Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes total complete A/B; alternating
A. 12/10 cals on the rower + 10t step-ups
B. 10 weighted glute bridges + :30 wall sit

Burn WOD
15 min AMRAP
10 sit-ups
15/12 cals AB
200m run

Port Complete
1. Bodybuilding – 3 or 4 rounds
20t SA banded tricep push-downs
15 DB incline bench press
10 GHD sit-ups
1 time through a set of DB 21’s
2. Banded work – accumulate 100 each
Banded pull-throughs
Banded woodchoppers
3. Unilateral work –
Back rack lunges – 3x10t
*can be forward, can be reverse could even be walking
4. Gymnastics – T2B or C2B endurance cycle
A. T2B: complete 4 sets of 8 reps unbroken AFAP
B. C2B: complete 4 sets of 8 reps unbroken AFAP
Cool Downs for week 3 and 4
A. Shoulder focus
600m ski
Then, banded shoulder drills
2:00 accumulated in laying DB extension
B. Leg focus
40 cals row
2:00 in pigeon
2:00 in spiderman
C. Full body
3 rounds
1:00 on AB
1:00 in the bottom of your squat
:30 in downward dog
:30 in hollow hold

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