WOD – Friday 10/4

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds for quality
10 kip swings
5 strict pull-ups or 10 ring rows
10 hollow rocks
10 banded high-pulls

Quick group mobility

CF Skill
The Bar muscle-up – how to do one and how to scale one.

CF Strength
Warm up the thruster

Thrusters (185/125#)(155/105#)
Bar muscle-ups
Take a step back and really spend some time trying to determine how you are going to apply this one to you and your current ability level. Since the bar muscle-ups are such a hard movement we can break ourselves into three groups.
1. Those going Rx all the way. Completing all rounds in 1 or 2 sets.
2. Those who can do bar muscle-ups but probably not at the volume
3. Those who cannot complete bar muscle-ups
Group 1 will just try to attack the BMU’s head on. Group 2 might want to slightly alter the numbers of required BMU’s per round. Instead of the prescribed, maybe cut it down to or even Something that you can get through pretty quickly, but still challenge yourself to complete such a high skill gymnastic movement. Group 3 should work through the progression tree and find the most difficult progression that you can that will help you mimic the intended stimulus. Jumping bar muscle-ups, banded bar muscle-ups, C2B, pull-ups or even ring rows.
The thruster is another story. The Rx weight is very, very heavy. So if you have to break it up more than 2 times in the first round, you might want to think about scaling the weight on the bar. Take the time during warm-ups to figure out what that weight might be.

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