CF and Burn WOD – Friday 10/25

Friday Mood.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
15 air squats
10 push-ups
5 strict pull-ups or ring rows w/pause

Quick mobility session

Partner core complex – 3 rounds
10 strict T2B
20 leg throws
30t med ball sit-ups
*pass a wall ball back and forth but do a sit-up every time

With a partner and another partner
25 min AMRAP
10/8 cals AB
10 Russian KBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
10 shuttle runs
In a team of 3, only one person is working at a time. So you know when it is your turn, you know it is time to sprint. Move and move quickly so you can get back to resting. The shuttle runs are done inside and the cones will be 10m apart. So each shuttle run will be 10 lengths accumulating 100m total.

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