WOD – Friday 11/15

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
2 rounds
15 hollow rocks
15 hollow hold banded pull-throughs
Then, PVC mobility as a class
2 rounds
10 PVC power snatches
10 OHS

CF Strength
Small kipping/butterfly skill session
A1. Strict pull-ups- 5 sets of 3 to 8
A2. Ring support hold – :30, x5

“Two Faced”
OHS (115/75#)(95/65#)
Cals row
Rest 3:00
Power snatch
Cals AB
Intended Stimulus – the most CrossFit like WOD of the week. The goal is to push each ”min” WOD with really no regard for having a second one. Understand you are going to have to gear up and go again, but push the first and worry about the second afterward. Try to stay unbroken as long as you can in both WOD #1 and WOD #2. Weight on the bar will be everything, so choose wisely.

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