Our annual participation in the Nate WOD challenge.
A fundraiser that benefits One Summit – a nonprofit with a mission of building resilience in kids battling cancer through experiential learning and mentorship with U.S. Navy SEALs. Here is how the Challenge works!
We will be asking our members to participate in the hero WOD “Nate” on Tuesday, February 4th. Given that it is an AMRAP, we are asking everyone to make a donation to our team’s page for every round completed. All of the proceeds will benefit One Summit. If you donate fractions of a dollar for each round you complete, we can beat our donation from last year.
Follow the link and sign up now!
10 minutes on Rowling
Round 1 – sit-ups
Round 2 – air squats
Round 3 – push-ups
Round 4 – ring rows
Round 5 – burpees
Quick mobility session
3 rounds
20 GHD or weighted sit-ups
10 SA DB strict press
1:00 plank hold
“River Runs”
With a buddy
400m row each
300m row each
200m row each
Rest 1:30, x4
Intended stimulus – rowing intervals disguised as a partner WOD. Meaning you get to rest as long as it takes your partner to row. Which is going to be pretty close to 1:1. That means you should stay away from 90% effort like the bike intervals a few weeks ago. Because you got so much time off in that one, you could really push the pace. Today, try to sustain 80 to 85% efforts for each piece.