WOD – Sunday 2/9

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds with a monster band
10 push-ups
10 shoulder taps
2 rounds with a light KB
10 Russian KBS

Monster band shoulder mobility

A1. DB bench press – 4×10
A2. BB high pulls – 4×8
Both done AHAP

“Chicken House”
4 rounds
30 goblet lunges (70/53#)(53/35#)
25 Russian KBS
20/16 cals AB
Intended stimulus – put your head down and get the work done kind of WOD. Nothing high skill, nothing too heavy, just reps that need to be completed. Use the movements as a way to settle into a pace and try to make every round the same time. That might mean you could make it more of a priority to watch the clock today.

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