WOD – Monday 2/10

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, quick dynamic warm-up as a class
Major focus on jumping, being explosive, and squatting
Grab a barbell and complete the following
Add weight where/if you see fit
10 deadlifts
10 hang cleans
10 front squats
8 power cleans
8 front squats
8 strict press
6 squat cleans
6 push press

CF Strength
Squat cleans
5 min EMOM
3 TnG squat cleans
Rest 2:00
5 min EMOM
2 TnG squat cleans
Rest 2:00
5 min EMOM
1 squat clean
This strength can be approached a number of ways depending on your experience with the movement, how comfortable you are with your technique and your goals as an athlete. There two rules everyone must follow
1. You must add weight to your bar for each EMOM. Meaning your singles will be heavier than your doubles and your doubles will be heavier than your triples.
2. The triples and doubles must be touch and go.
Other than that, there are no other rules. You can build within each EMOM, you can stay across in each EMOM. You can start and end wherever you’d like. Think about your approach and how to best tailor so it gets you one step closer to your goal.
Staying lighter will help you practice good, consistent form.
Staying between light and heavy the whole time will really help you accumulate volume.
Going towards something heavy will test your ability to move weight after a ton of reps.
Where do you fall and what will today look like?

“Well Built”
12 min AMRAP
5 bar facing burpees
7 squat cleans (115/75#)(95/65#)
12 weighed sit-ups (wall ball)
17 wall balls
Intended stimulus – there is nothing here that will make you take a break. There are no heavy weights, there is nothing truly high skill, so if you have to rest during this workout, you did so because you chose a pace that was too fast. Each workout you complete should be done with the intention of never really stopping. Slowing down sure, but getting so tired that you have to rest should never be on the agenda. Keep that concept in the front of your mind when going through this workout. Start out a little slower and try to maintain that pace. If you feel like you came out too slow, there always a chance to turn it on at the end.
The barbell should be on the lighter side of the spectrum and the wall ball should be hugged to the chest for each sit-up.

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