WOD – Friday 2/14

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds for quality
12 GHD back extensions or banded good mornings
12 goblet squats w/a pause

Quick squat mobility session

CF Strength
Every 2:00 for 10:00 total
10 explosive back squats
5 high box jumps
*must step down
Speed focus today. So think about 40 to 60% today. Since we aren’t focus on raw strength, the bar shouldn’t feel heavy and the speed should never decelerate. We should be looking to move quickly and with explosiveness.
Build in the box jumps.

“Social Power”
3 min AMRAP
10 T2B
8/6 cals AB
6 thrusters (135/95#)(115/75#)
Rest 1:00, x4
Intended stimulus – if you have done the CrossFit benchmark workout “Chief” before, you should be familiar with the format of this one. Work for 3 minutes and rest for 1. But since the movements here will spike your heart rate fast, finding a way to really “slow down” will help you hold on till the end of the fourth round. Think about the set-up for this one. Put your bar and your bike equally far away from your spot on the rig. That way your transition from the T2B to the assault bike and from the AB to your bar, will give you a second to breathe. Find “rest” in between movements and look to go unbroken as soon as you get there. Moving fast here won’t necessarily pay off, but moving with purpose certainly will.

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