WOD – Friday 2/28

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 jerk drives
10 strict press
10 push press
10 hanging knee tucks

Shoulder mobility based on strength

CF Strength
Push press –
Heavier than 1/5
Same rep scheme. Look to add weight to all sets.

“Snake Oil”
8 minute AMRAP
4 T2B
6 push press (95/65#)(75/55#)
12 DU’s
Rest 2:00, x2
Intended stimulus – as always the goal is a consistent effort in a pace you can hold. So when you look at these two 8 minute AMRAP, determining your success is simple. Did you get the same score for both? If the answer is no, we slightly missed the mark. Did you come out too hot and couldn’t hold on? Did you come out too slow and have some left in the tank to speed up at the end?

Because the weight is light and the reps are small, the tendency will be to come out too fast. So when the clock starts, slow down a bit and find a rhythm in your movements. Redlining will be the kiss of death in this one.

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