Port @Your Place – Thursday 3/26

I miss partner WOD Thursdays…

Today’s challenge is a bit more involved than the rest. In celebration of Teammate Thursday, your challenge is to send an email to a person you admire. Let them know of the impact they have made on your life either recently or in the past. It will mean the world to them. Plus, you might receive an email for something you did for someone without even knowing the impact you were having


Start with 1:00 of pigeon on each side

:30 jumping jacks
:30 seal jacks
Then, 2 rounds of…
10 arm circles forward
10 arm circles backward
10 good mornings
10 Y’s
10 T’s
10 air squats
10 cossack squats

10t DB snatches
15 burpees over DB
20t DB snatches
15 burpees over DB
30t DB snatches
15 burpees over DB
40t DB snatches
15 burpees over DB
50t DB snatches
15 burpees over DB

Cool down
4:00 of light running
Run out for 2:00 and then back.
Accumulate 2:00 in plank position.
1:00 on elbows, :30 on each side.

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