April Fools Day. A day where Lisa isn’t safe in her own house for 24 hours. Anyone else enjoy the childishness of stupid pranks?
Just like yesterday, there are 2 questions I want you to ask yourself. Wake up, grab a glass of water and before the craziness starts, work through your day.
1. Who am I checking in on or connecting with today?
2. How am I getting outside today?
PushPlay Video Set for tomorrow, Warmup, Strength, WOD:
Quick warm-up jog before settling in.
Then, 2 or 3 rounds of
10 ground scrapers in place
10 90/90 stretches
10 spiderman to rotation to straight leg
10 snow angels
10 scorpions
A1. SL Romanian deadlift – 4x8e
A2. Wtd glute bridges – 4×12
“It’s Rewind”
4 rounds
3 min AMRAP
20 reverse burpee box step-ups
Max sit-ups with time remaining
Rest 2:00