Port @your Place – Tuesday 4/21

Tuesday’s thought,
“Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people.”
Elizabeth Green

Even though we are all unable to create extraordinary things with the right people in person, we can try to create something spectacular by reaching out virtually. I am not specifically talking about zoom classes, even though those have been a place for incredible people doing incredible things. But today might be a good day to reach out and talk to someone you haven’t in a while. See what speaks from that conversation.

Push Play Whiteboard video & timer

1:00 plank hold
Then, 3 rounds of
10e SA DB swings
5 burpees
10e reverse lunges
5 sit-ups

“Snoop a Loop”
Complete 5 rounds of each, alternate between A and B.
1:30 work/1:00 off
A. 20 DB hang snatches
Max double jump burpees over the DB in time remaining
B. 20 reverse goblet lunges
Max sit-ups in time remaining



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