Port @your Place – Monday 5/4

So the governor’s news wasn’t great, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been doing great things. Things we can build upon. Got a few texts about people doing their first P@YP workout and now committing. I had 14 people in my noon on Friday and 10 Saturday morning. Let’s build off this momentum. Who’s coming to class today?!

This week I am going to throw some odd object/odd movements at you. Are you ready?

Not a P@YP warm-up, but like I said. Odd movement week.
3 rounds
5 down dog to push-up
10e reverse lunges
15 jumping air squats

3 rounds
15 toe touches to DB
20 alternating renegade rows

5 rounds
:30 max effort floor press*
:30 lunging thruster**
:30 plank-ups
:30 DB swings
Rest 1:00
*use 1 DB and go as fast as you can
**again, use 1 DB with both hands

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