WOD – Sunday 6/7

3 rounds
20 mountain climbers
15 sit-ups
10 kip swings

Gymnastic Strength
12 min running clock
Every 2:00 complete the following using a 6 or 7 on the RPE scale
4 to 8 strict T2B + 100m shuttle run
Find a little comfort on the pull-up bar again. The goal here isn’t to trash the system but to accumulate a little volume without destroying the shoulders. Be smart and try tp hold a challenging number

12 min running clock
Every 2:00 complete the following using a 6 or 7 on the RPE scale
8 to 12 weighted sit-ups + 100m shuttle run

All tracks
:40 of work, :20 of rest
4 rounds through
Cals row
Goblet reverse lunges
No push-up burpees + air squat
Working during this interval time will almost require you to keep one foot on the break. You will be getting time off between movements but only enough to transition. Do not count on it as a way to recover. That means going a little bit slower and staying in control of your heart rate and breathing. Try to keep count for reps per round and hold them as goals to get through each time.

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