WOD – Monday 7/13

A new week and another opportunity to redefine your plan for your fitness. What would you like it to look like? What is holding you back?

Please do me a favor and look through the email that was sent to you about our COVID policies and procedures. The gym has not changed what is expected of you, but we need to make sure we are all following these guidelines at all times. We want everyone to be comfortable coming into the gym so your coaches will hold everyone accountable to each of these.

Spend 2 min in Z1
2 rounds
10 monster walks left/right
10 air squats
10 glute bridges
2 rounds
10 sumo deadlifts
10 Russian KBS

Back squat – 5×5; normal tempo
Build off of 6/29

4 rounds
8e Bulgarian split squats
Drop the weight and complete a :30 hold at parallel on each side
16 glute bridges

5 rounds
15 KBS
15 pull-ups
7 min HARD cap

5 rounds
15 KBS
15 inverted rows or 10 banded strict pull-ups
7 min HARD cap
**P@YP option – sub a banded lat pull-down, a seated banded row or bent over rows for the pull-ups**

Fathom – this one is going to be fast with rounds taking some people less than a minute. There is a 7 minute cap, making this one a shorter workout.
Gear – 5th gear from the very beginning. This one is not going to hurt as bad as some of the others we have done recently because the fatigue will be pretty localized. Push both aspects and try to hold on.
Knots – given the short duration and the strict time cap, you might either need to cut down the number of reps you plan on doing on the rig, or scale down to a more realistic progression of pull-ups. We should be getting these done in 1 or 2 sets for all 5 rounds. If you have to start to take too many breaks because of fatigue, you will lose that precious intensity.
Current – know where your pull-up rig is and how to get there. KB’s in the box, pull-ups on the rig. Walk around everyone else’s squares.
*side note; manage the grip fatigue!

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